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Maria Paino

Headshot - MARIA PAINO

Associate Professor of Sociology
529 Varner
(248) 370-4510
[email protected]

Research Interests
Organizations, education, quantitative methods, and alcohol and drugs

Selected Publications

Paino, Maria. 2018.  “From Policies to Principals: Tiered Influences on School-Level Coupling.”Social Forces. 96(3):1119-1154.

Paino, Maria, Rebecca L. Boylan, and Linda A. Renzulli. 2017. “The Closing Door: The Effectof Race on Charter School Closures.”  Sociological Perspectives.60(4): 747-767.

Paino, Maria, Matthew May, Lori A. Burrington, Jacob H. Becker. 2017.  “Intersectionopoly: ASimulation of the Wage Gap.”  Teaching Sociology.  45(2): 177-186.

  • Featured in HuffingtonPost: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-new-monopoly-rules-for-an-unfair-world_us_59d7b2d6e4b08ce873a8cd5f
  • Featured in Fatherly: http://www.fatherly.com/play/alternative-monopoly-rules-woman-minority-intersectional/

Paino, Maria, Lydia Aletraris, and Paul M. Roman.  2016.  “The Relationship between ClientCharacteristics and Wraparound Services in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers.”  Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 77(1): 160-169.

Paino, Maria, Lydia Aletraris, and Paul M. Roman.  2015. “Organizational Predictors and Use ofEvidence-Based Practices in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment.”  Substance Abuse.  36(4): 462-469.

Edmond, Mary Bond, Lydia Aletraris, Maria Paino, and Paul M. Roman.  2015.  “A Latent ClassAnalysis of Treatment Strategy Profiles in Substance Abuse Treatment Centers.”  Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 153:109-115.

Renzulli, Linda, Ashley Barr, and Maria Paino.  2015.  “Innovating Education? A Test ofSpecialist Mimicry or Generalist Assimilation in trends in Charter School Specialization Over Time.” Sociology of Education.  88(1): 83-102.

Paino, Maria and Linda A. Renzulli. 2013. “Digital Concept of Cultural Capital: The (In)VisibleAdvantages for Students Who Exhibit Computer Skills”  Sociology of Education.  86(2):  124-138

  • Press Release:  http://news.uga.edu/releases/article/digital-fluency-is-a-key-to-classroom-inequality-new-uga-study-says/
  • Sage Podcast: http://soe.sagepub.com/content/86/2/124/suppl/DC1

Courses Taught
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology
SOC 202: Introduction to Methods of Social Research
SOC 203: Soc Statistics w/Cmptr App

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work & Criminal Justice

Varner Hall Room 510A
371 Varner Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2420
fax: (248) 370-4608

Social Work
Varner, Room 513
371 Varner Dr.
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2371
[email protected]