Terri L. Orbuch

Professor of Sociology
530 Varner
(248) 370-2431
[email protected]
The Love Doctor online
Research Interests
Interpersonal relationships, marriage and divorce, relationship maintenance, sexuality and sexual norms, account-making and narratives
Selected Publications
Sprecher, S., Christopher, S., Regan, P., Orbuch, T, & Cate, R. (2018). Sexuality and close relationships.” In A. Vangelisti and D. Perlman (eds.), Handbook of Personal Relationships (2nd edition) pp. 311-326. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Fiori, K., Rauer, A.J., Birditt, K.S., Marini, C.M., Jager, J., Brown, E., & Orbuch, T. (2018). I love you, not your friends: Links between partners’ early disapproval of friends and divorce across 16 years. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35(9), 1230-1250.
Birditt, K.S., Wan, W., Orbuch, T., & Antonucci, T. (2018). The development of marital tension: Implications for divorce among married couples. Developmental Psychology, 53(10), 1995-2006.
Gurman, M.S., Huff, S.C., Brown, E., Orbuch, T., and Birditt, K.S. (2018). Divorced yet still together: Ongoing personal relationship and co-parenting among divorced parents. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 1-16.
Fiori, K., Rauer, A.J., Birditt, K.S., Brown, E., Jager, J., & Orbuch. T. (2017). Social network typologies of Black and White married couples in midlife.” Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(2), 571-589.
Orbuch, T. (2016). 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great. Green Leaf Publishing.
Peterson, L., Orbuch, T., & Brown, E. (2014). Perceived Admiration and Transition to Parenthood for Black and White Married Couples. Journal of Family Social Work, 17: 301-323
Brown, E., Orbuch, T., Bauermeister, J.A., & McKinley, B. (2013). Marital Well-Being Over Time Among Black and White Americans: The First Seven Years. Journal of African American Studies, 17(3): 290-307.
Orbuch, T.L., Brown, E., Baumeister, J.A., & McKinley, B. (2013). Early Family Ties and Marital Stability Over 16 Years: The Context of Race and Gender. Family Relations, 62:2, 265-568.
Orbuch, T. (2012). Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship. Chicago: Sourcebooks.
Birditt, K., Brown, E., Orbuch, T.L., & Hope, S. (2012). Developmental Trajectories of Marital Happiness Over 16 Years. Research in Human Development, 9:2, 126-144.
Birditt, K.S., Brown, E., Orbuch, T., & McIlvane, J. (2010). "Marital Conflict Behaviors and Implications for Divorce Over 16 Years," Journal of Marriage and the Family, 72(5), 1188 – 1204.
Tsapelas, I., Aron, A., & Orbuch, Terri L. (2009). "Marital Boredom Now Predicts Less Satisfaction 9 Years Later,” Psychological Science, 20(5), 543-545.
Brown, E., Orbuch, T., & Bauermeister, J.A. (2008). "Religiosity and Marital Stability Among Black American and White American Families," Family Relations, 57(2), 186-197.
Orbuch, T., Veroff, J., Hassan, H., & Horrocks, J. (2002). "Who Will divorce: A 14-Year Longitudinal Study of Black Couples and White Couples," Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 19(2): 179-202.
Courses Taught
SOC 2100 Self and Society
SOC 3100 Interpersonal Relationships
SOC 3110 Human Sexuality
SOC 4950 Internship in Sociology
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work & Criminal Justice
371 Varner Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2420
fax: (248) 370-4608
[email protected]