Spanish is spoken by more than 559 million people globally. In the United States, over 13% of the population speaks Spanish at home which makes the US the second largest population of Spanish speakers in the world after Mexico. Learning Spanish is key for business, politics, and for contributing to your education as a global citizen.
We study the process of second language acquisition, explore the cultural history of the Spanish world, and gain fluency in technical Spanish for the professions.
Spanish Language and Literature, B.A.
Program Overview Spanish Language and Literature Major Requirements
Students must complete a minimum of 36 credits at the 3000-4000 levels in language, culture and literature including:
- SPN 3140 - Spanish Grammar Review (4 credits)
- SPN 3170 - Spanish Conversation and Composition (4 credits) or SPN 3190 Business Spanish: Communications & Journalism (4)
- SPN 3700 - Introduction to Spanish Literature (4 credits)
- SPN 3800 - Introduction to Spanish-American Literature (4 credits)
- SPN 4080 - Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition (4 credits)
- Two 4000 level literature courses (8)
- Two electives at the 3000 - 4000 level (8)
One corequisite course is also required:
- SPN 3500 - Latin American Civilization (4)
- SPN 3510 - Spanish Civilization (4)
Plus one of the following
- LIT 1810 -European Literature I (4)
- LIT 1820 - European Literature II (4)
Latin American Language and Civilization, B.A.
Students must complete a minimum of 28 credits in Spanish language courses, including:
- SPN 3140 - Spanish Grammar Review (4 credits)
- SPN 3170 - Spanish Conversation and Composition (4 credits) or SPN 3190 Business Spanish: Communications & Journalism (4)
- SPN 3500 - Latin American Civilization (4)
- SPN 3800 - Introduction to Spanish-American Literature (4 credits)
- SPN 4080 - Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition (4 credits)
- SPN 4880 - Spanish-American Literature before 188 (4) or SPN 4890 - Spanish-American Literature after 1888 (4)
- 4 elective credits at the 3000 - 4000 level (4)
And a minimum of 12 credits in Latin American studies courses.
These courses should be chosen in consultation with the faculty adviser.
At least 16 credits of the Spanish courses required for the major in Latin American language and civilization must be taken at Oakland University.
Latin American Language and Civilization Major Requirements
Admission to Major Standing
To be eligible for a major in one or more foreign languages, a student must be admitted to major standing by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. Normally, a student should apply for major standing at the department office after having attained 56 credits and no later than three semesters before graduation. A student planning to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree will be admitted to major standing after completion of 8 credits of language or literature at the 3000 level with a minimum grade point average of 2.80.
Students planning graduate work are strongly urged to study a second foreign language recommended by the department. At least 16 credits of those required for the major in any of the languages must be taken at Oakland University.
Spanish Language
Students must complete 20 credits beyond the 1150 level, including:
- SPN 3140 - Spanish Grammar Review (4)
- SPN 3170 - Spanish Conversation and Composition (4) or SPN 3190 Business Spanish: Communications & Journalism (4) and one of the following:
- SPN 3500 - Latin American Civilization (4)
- SPN 3510 - Spanish Civilization (4)
- SPN 3550 - Translation: Spanish into English (4)
- SPN 4080 - Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition (4)
- SPN 4550 - Translation: English into Spanish (4)
- SPN 4570 - Business Spanish (4)
- SPN 3931 - Advanced Spanish and Academic Service Learning (4)
- SPN 3580 - Spanish Language and Culture for Health Care Professionals and First Responders (4)
Spanish Language and Literature
Student must complete 20 credits beyond the 1150 level, including:
- SPN 3700 - Introduction to Spanish Literature (4)
- SPN 3800 - Introduction to Spanish-American Literature (4)
A student planning a minor in the department must apply in the department office, 372 O'Dowd Hall, after consultation with an adviser in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.
At least 12 credits of those required for the minor in any of the languages must be taken at Oakland University.
Additional majors are available in Spanish for students with another major at Oakland University. The requirement is a minimum of 24 credits at the 3000-4000 level. At least 16 credits of those required for the additional liberal arts major in a modern language must be taken at Oakland University.
Advising for students in Spanish, please contact:
STEP Program
Dr. Raquel Prieta
373 O'Dowd hall
[email protected]
Spanish Majors
Dr. Cecilia Saenz-Roby
364 O'Dowd Hall
[email protected]
Spanish Minors
Dr. Mary Hartson
315 O'Dowd Hall
[email protected]
The Oakland University Spanish Club focuses on providing OU students and members of the community with the opportunity to practice Spanish and to spread cultural awareness across our campus and community.
Please join us to practice Spanish speaking skills, learn new things, and meet other students in an informal setting.
Like us on Facebook to stay updated on meetings and event details!
More information coming soon!
For more information about the following opportunities, please contact: Cecilia Saenz-Roby [email protected]. Volunteers do NOT need to speak Spanish.